Vacation, we will go…

Our first family vacation is right around the corner, I am beyond excited to have a week full of family time. I can’t wait for my boys to see the ocean for the first time and witness the enormity of it and I am so eager to have them see the endless sand that surrounds the water. We talk about the ocean and our vacation but until you see the ocean for the first time yourself, it is impossible to describe. Even with my lack of affection, they LOVE sand and playing in it, but have not played in any other sand than the one in a small mid-western sandbox. My husband and I have been to the beach and on vacations but this is the first one with the little boys. It will be amazing…..right? I am going to stay positive however I am not naive to the fact that traveling with two little boys who are not-quite four and not-quite- two for 16 hours in the car could get dicey at times. We have the iPad, we have a DVD player in the car…. But what else? Our goal ...