Hard to let go
It is hard not to associate fall and school starting with being another year older. Even if your numerical age doesn’t change until spring you still feel older. You are no longer that little ten year old in 4 th grade, but now you are a “grown-up” ten year old in 5 th grade. I used to love the first day of school, riding the bus to my new class, I was full of anticipate, excitement and anxiety for what was to come. My Niece on her first Day! Today I see countless pictures of all my friends and their little ones with the “First Day School” pictures I can’t help but feel nostalgic. This is one year closer to my baby going to the ‘big-kid’ school. One year less that he doesn’t have to worry about the homework and school pressure. I will be excited for him to go to Kindergarten and slightly heartbroken at the same time. He starts in his 4 year old room Monday and continuously reminds me how big he is, how much he is going to learn in his new ‘big-boy 4-year old” room,...