When I found out that I was blessed to be pregnant with a second little boy I was thrilled. I was more excited then I even expected to be. As my growing belly wasn’t “real” enough for me already, when we found out we were having a boy as the new addition to our family it all became even more “real.” I no longer was thinking about the possibility of re-painting the nursery from blue to pink. I no longer had to worry about getting a whole new wardrobe of girl clothes because all I had was boy’s clothes. The financial aspect of having two boys, in the same season, so close together was a big pro. And as I started to day dream about our new little man growing inside me a worry that I had that was different then my first pregnancy was: ‘I hope this little boy is loved by everyone as much as Jake’ and that he is not always compared to Jake.’ You hear about second siblings holding a grudge because they were always being compared to their big brother, or big sister...