Mornings......I need a drink!
Is it time for a drink? Oh wait; it is not even 8:00am yet.
This was my thought today after getting both my boys and then myself ready for
the day. I always wonder as I am going through mornings of complete chaos if
other moms out there are doing something similar or if I am the only one who
has kids that make me run from one end of the house to the other like a crazy
Some of these crazy mornings wouldn't be AS crazy if I could
leisurely get up from a great eight-to-ten hours of uninterrupted sleep. But that is NEVER the case, I hit sleep one to
many times mainly because sometime in the middle of the night my four year old
got scared of the monster that comes into his room at night from under his bed
and has crawled into MY bed to sleep with us/lay on top of me. (I am so used to
it now that I am hardly fazed by sleeping with another human lying on top of
me.) His little brother however has slept in his bed all night by himself and decided
to get up at 5:15am. Thankful daddy got up with him. But now I have hit my
sleep button twice and I spring out of bed to start the morning….late as
I get the boys dressed and get them breakfast-Check, get
dinner in the crockpot for tonight-check, and then I go to get myself
ready. The perks of having a four-year
old, he is happy to sit and color by his self in the kitchen while I get ready.
The joys of having a two-year old (or at least MY two-year old) even if he was
happy to sit in the kitchen to color without my supervision, that would be a catastrophe
on my part. Coloring the paper I gave him would be the last of his concerns
when he has tables and walls and chairs to color….you get my point.
Jimmy accompanies me to the bathroom so I can get ready and
watch him. Jimmy is my climber and he
scales anything, at times I think he could put professional rock climbers to
shame with his tiny fingers that somehow have more strength than the Hulk….or
at least the stickiness of a tree frog. He runs into the bathroom and zips up to
the vanity to sit right by me. He loves to brush his teeth, so he gets his
tooth brush and turns the water on, only now he is not on the vanity- he is IN
the sink. Well second outfit change for James now that he is sopping wet.
I go back, with Jimmy in tow, to finish getting ready. At
this time he lets me know “I go potty”- two-year old talk for “I have to go potty….like
NOW!” We didn’t make it, and he pottied in his diaper. Two minutes later “I go
potty”, (I don’t want to discourage him but my goodness I am getting later and
later by the second.) This time he had already GONE “potty” actually it was
poo-poo, and it was EVERYWHERE! “Sweet” little man was trying to clean himself
up. Again a two-year old cleaning up after a poo-poo accident is not making the
situation any better. There was shit all over him, my potty, and the bathroom
and sure to be me as soon as I got involved.
So back to the bath for Jimmy, now this is the THIRD outfit
change before 8:00 in the morning. Seriously this child wears me out! I thought
Jake was busy. Jimmy makes him look like….well, a normal child, he is my Tasmanian
devil, just tearing shit up that gets in his path of destruction.
God help me some mornings, and thank you for who ever
invented the 5-point harness of a car seat. Sometimes that it my calmest part
of the day when I can strap Jimmy in and he is not tearing something else up. hahaha
You are 100% BOY all
the time. You have two speeds fast and
faster. Mommy always call you “Trouble
with a capital T,” and while you can destroy something at an exponential rate
of speed you can always turn with you little “jimmy smile” and make me laugh. You
are the weirdest, silliest, most hilarious little guy. I love the way to make
me laugh, you are a lot like your daddy and in the middle of being mad you can
make me smile and forget what I was mad about. Keep that quality, laughter is
important. Stay “weird”- stay unique, you are perfect and wonderful how you
are. And while at times I will yell “JAMES DONALD!” know that you have a big
brother who comes rushing to your side when he thinks mommy might yell at you.
Watch out for your big brother when you get older, even though you are the
younger brother, have his back at all times, because he has watched out for yours
from day one! And most importantly, know that I love you! To the depths of my
soul to the ends of the earth, to the moon and back, however you look at it my
love is forever, without end.
Thank you for being
the calm when the “Jimmy storm” rolls through. And to give him credit he will
step back and be my good little guy when you have your meltdowns. You are sweet
and kind and a fantastic big brother. You have a lot of mommy in you with your
hard-headed, unwilling to compromise, set in your four-year old ways, self. You
will need to make adjustment to the compromising aspect because that is a part
of life. Compromise with your brother, you don’t always have to be right and he
looks up to you more than you can imagine. Keep your incredible independence,
don’t compromise your values, and continue to stay hard-headed for what you believe
it right. And most importantly, know that I love you! To the depths of my soul
to the ends of the earth, to the moon and back, however you look at it my love
is forever, without end.
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