Finding perfect in moments of Chaos
After having kids I rarely use the words, peaceful, blissful, or perfect to describe my house….before kids I would have. Before the boys we had a coffee table that actually had items on it. Soon after kids came all those items were quickly removed to protect their value and my sanity from keeping them out of their little hands. My husband and I would come home from work to make whatever WE wanted or “make it easy” and go out to eat for dinner. After children the 5 out of 7 nights of the week there is at least one of us that is not happy with the dinner option….(yes sometimes that is even me…… I don’t want to have spaghetti again tonight!) It almost makes me laugh out loud as I type this how “easy” it used to be to ‘go out for a quick bite.’ Even if it is just Jared and me, we have to have ‘systems in place’ to even go out. And if we bring the boys, there is nothing ‘easy’ about that dinner. Usually bribery is involved, bribing them to sit still and eat...