Christmas is here….where did 2014 go!

Wow, it has been far too long since I have had a minute to sit down and write. I don’t think I really have that much time now but I am making the time. Yesterday, I was busy scurrying around trying to get last minute items for the boys and for family along with stopping by the grocery store to get the ingredients to make the dishes I need to prepare for the family parties I am reminded how buys this time of year is. I was not with my smiley, happy….sometimes crazy little boys and I was actually able to concentrate on what I needed, I was able to take in what was going on around me and wasn't zeroed in on the two little boys in the cart. However, surprisingly, what I realized is how much I wished the boys were with me. (For moms of little kids I know this sounds crazy) but when they are with me I don’t have time to see or realize the ugliness that this season can bring. When I have the boys with me the ugliness that can come at this time of year becomes s...