Don’t go breakin’ my heart

Before I became a mom, I was not very emotional; it really took A LOT to make me cry.  I was able to watch the sappiest, sweetest, heart-wrenching movies and not shed a tear…….THEN I became a mom.  Holy water works! I can now cry at a 30 second commercial, and then I can cry AGIN when I am trying to explain the commercial that got me started crying in the first place to my husband who thinks I am probably a crazy woman.

Every miles stone, each sweet comment, and every kiss from my little boys makes me so proud to be their mommy that I can sometimes feel a wave a pride come over me and have to fight back the urge to cry. The joy they bring to my life is insurmountable.  With the joy is also the pain I feel myself when they are in pain or sick or hurt.  I never understood why when I was in college and homesick and miserable calling my mom sobbing, why she was crying too….”she wasn’t at school…Alone?”  But now I get it. It hurt her more than it did me.

This morning I dropped my Jimmy off in his new room at Daycare. He is now in the ‘toddler’ room.  The second I let his feet hit the ground he started crying so hysterically and clinging to me with every ounce of strength my sweet little angel had. My life, are those boys, they are my happiness and to have to have someone pull your screaming baby off of you, is a feeling that left me sobbing.  All I had to do was go in there and get him, to hold him, to NOT go to work today and just take him home. But I can’t, I DO have to work, to provide for him but in the meantime I will cry my whole way to work.  I will pull myself together to walk into work. Then I will see the beautiful picture I have of my boys hanging on my walls at work, which will lead me to cry again thinking about him.

I know he will grow and adapt to his new room, just like I grew and adapted to being at college. It will all work out. This is how we grow and learn and I understand that but in the meantime I hope for less tears, I hope mommy can be as strong as Jimmy and I hope that he ALWAYS knows that if he needs me, I will be RIGHT back to get him!

I have gotten several texts and calls from the daycare that my Jimbo is happy and playing and eating up a storm like the happy little boy he always is. Mommy on the other hand……isn’t recovering so fast! L


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