Anything to see them smile!

In middle school or junior high everyone wants to be an ‘individual’, but not TOO individualized. And not stand out TOO much from the crowd. Hopefully for most people you’ve outgrow that, and have grown into the comfort that is, being you, 100% you and proud of the you that YOU are! I am proud of myself and the obstacles that I have overcome. I am comfortable and confident in me! I think I gained confidence when I became a mom. I was truly able to push the silly, unimportant negative things and people out of my mind and focus on what matters to me. Being a wife, and a mom and the best “me” that I can be. There are days that I feel like I was in high school yesterday. Days that I do not know how 10 years have passed and I graduated college, got married, bought a house, had TWO kids! But then there are other days that remind me how far away those insecure adolescent days really are. We have been having difficult drop offs w...