Hubby, I love you too!

The wild and responsibility-free 21 and 22 year olds that we were when we met, are no longer.  We no longer go out until 3 am every weekend and sleep until noon.  No longer are we able to leave for a fun weekend trip on a moment’s notice.  The days are gone of sitting at the dinner table with empty plates and just talk about the day or future for as long as we want without being interrupted. 

young love :-)
I loved those days, although probably not as much as I should have. I took for granted the alone time that we got.  I didn’t value our one-on-one conversations like I should have.  While we were married for two and a half years before we had our first little baby, it went fast and there was so much that I didn’t realize would change after they came.

I know that sometimes you get slighted for the boys.  It is rare that you get 100% of my attention and for that I am sorry. You are, of course worthy of it. It has been a big challenge of becoming a mother on balancing not only my love and attention for my baby boys but also for you.  The instantaneous love I had for our boys when I became a mother was all encompassing and I know you felt pushed to the back-burner. All proverbs say: “Put your husband before you children. Children leave, your husband is forever.”  Sweetheart, I am trying. While you never hesitate to put me first and foremost, I am quick to interrupt you because one of the boys wants me. That is not fair and as soon as I walk away I am disappointed that I didn’t just say “hold-on a second” to our sons.

 I appreciate you more than I express, and I need you more than you know.  I don’t “need” you, like I cannot function if you are not around.  But your presence makes my soul happy.  You are laid-back to my OCD self, you are spontaneous to my regimented routine, you are “fun-can get messy”, to my spic and span-vanilla, you are my balance, my other half.

Raising kids has changed our relationship, as I think it does any marriage.  We have traded in our young twenties for thirties …..(well I am still 29 for ten more months) and now instead of going to bed at 3am many times we are up rocking a baby at 3am. The only time we are sleeping at noon, is if by some miracle BOTH kids went down for a nap at the same time. Our weekend trips are now sensibly premeditated and our long ‘dinner-table’ talks are traded in for trying to finish dinner and clean up before bath time and bed time.
Our Scottland trip!

We once would talk about our dreams for the future, one of which was having children and how we would raise them.  It is cliche but so very true; my love, you have made my dream a reality.  Though our sleep-deprived arguments and stressful nights with sick babies, there is no one else I would want to do it with.  
Honeymoon in Mexico

Your commitment to family, work, and volunteering does not go unnoticed.  While I may complain about you leaving to go volunteer…again, it is admirable.  You show your love for me and our boys passionately. Your charter and honesty are unwavering and I am grateful to have our sons look up to you as a role model. You are their real life superhero, daddy! Your constant presence in their lives is invaluable; they watch as you respect and cherish me so that they will be courteous gentleman to one day earn the love of a women who will share that respect for them.

Jared, I love you more then you know. I love you more than I sometimes show. The twenty-one year old that I was when I met you has grown up, and has an overflowing plate of responsibility but you are still my best friend just as you were in that twenty-two year old guy that I met eight years ago.  You still make me laugh when everything is going wrong. When I feel like the world is out to get us, you make me realize that as long as we stand together we can overcome it.  I love our boys with all my heart baby and I may not say it enough, but I love you too! I am humbly honored and faithfully committed to being your wife. 


  1. Beautiful - may God continue to bless your marriage and your family!

    1. Thank you for reading and I appreciate your comment. It means alot!


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