I choose Happiness

Life with children is stressful, whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a “working” parent. (Those who know me know I hate both of these terms, but I will go with it, because this seems to be the common nomenclature.) Life without children is stressful, between work, school, friends, parents, siblings, money and significant others you can find yourself getting overwhelmed and then if you add kids to the mix, shit can hit the fan in about 2.2 seconds.

Not everything in my life is perfect and it never will be, what a boring person I would be if I never had any struggle or challenge I had to overcome. I have recently read that I spin my blog into a picture perfect portrait of parenthood. My intent is not to seem like it is roses all the time, but I also choose to be happy.  I choose to see the “funny” in the situation; because let’s just face it, when you are cooking dinner and you have two kids throwing themselves on the ground and screaming for one reason or another the only thing to do it laugh….or else you might cry too. J I do not like to surround myself with negative people, so I will not be a negative writer.  

My life is spinning around me in a constant state of chaos.  It may not have happened immediately but after having two little kids I have realized that I need to accept my “new normal.”  My new normal is constantly cleaning after one spill or another, it is feeding at least one little person every twenty minutes, because they weren’t hungry before, it is hurrying home from work to get the boys and spend family time before it is the rush of dinner and bath and bedtime.  It is potty breaks when I need to go quickly, it is kisses for ‘boo-boos’ and wiping away tears, it is mean words from a frustrated 3 year old, and tantrums from a toddler.  It is hugs that could cure anything and kisses that make my heart flutter. It is frustrating and tiring, and leaves little to NO “me time” but it is my life! My wonderful, crazy, exasperating (at times) HAPPY life.

People that choose to be happy despite everything that is going wrong are individuals and parents that I tend to gravitate towards.  Those are the individuals that I want to get advice from in a situation.  I have friends that have been in horrible situations and continue to remain in good spirits; it is you that I admire! 

While I like to root for the underdog, I am not a fan of seeing people’s social media pages full of negativity towards one individual or another. You can fill your world with so much negative that you can no longer see the light from the positive. For me it is SOOOOO much easier to be happy than mad or angry.  It is easier to be kind then mean.  Your attitude attracts like-minded individuals and that is what I am aware of.

My husband and my attitude towards others and our outlook on life will greatly impact how our children view the world. I want them to see the good in people and not search for the bad.  I want them to take on each opportunity with a positive mind-set and goal to get there, not wondering when things will go awry. And I want to teach them that happiness is not always because you are the president of a company, because you got only straight A’s or because you have traveled to every country.

Happiness is being able to realize what you do, who you’re with, and how you feel about the world around you are totally up to you. Don’t just complain about the negative, change the variables to create positive.  But most importantly, don’t just search for happiness, BE happy.  It really does have a snowball effect. 


I know this blog was a little different then others, but I have seen so many people with negative posts on their social media and then when I got feedback about a blog, I want you all to know the perspective I am writing from.  For everyone else who has encouraged me, I appreciate it. And for everyone who post their funny stories and beautiful children, awesome vacations and love for life, I LOVE seeing them!


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